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Himalayan Edible Salt
Himalayan Edible Salt

Lead Title & Summary

Short Title
Himalayan Edible Salt
tandard Salt Company is the leading Manufacturers, Producer, Suppliers and Exporters of Himalayan Edible Salt in Lahore Pakistan. Standard Salt found in year 1999, and we Producing, Processing and Crushing the Finest Himalayan Natural Salt from the last 17 years. We started our first Salt Crushing Unit in Lahore in year 1999 and because of our customer’s trust and more demand we expand our Salt Production from one unit to three Pure Himalayan Edible Salt Units in Pakistan. To make sure we meet our customer’s satisfaction we expand our process a step further and start our Salt Mining Process in Kalabagh with a new Edible Salt Crushing Unit (one of the biggest Himalayan Salt reserves in the world).
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Lead Information

Country :
United States of America
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Currency :
United States Dollar
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Main Business:
Sub-Businesses :
Food Products
Total price
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Advertising Period

Start Date :
15 Feb 2018
End Date :
05 Jan 2023

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